How to increase the number of leads when doing the target audience analysis

How to increase the number of leads when doing the target audience analysis

The number of leads depends on how well you have studied your audience. To get the user interested in a product or service, you should study his needs from A to Z. What is a target audience analysis, where to start and what mistakes to avoid? The Wild Wild Leads team will share their experience and target audience analysis methodology with you!

Understanding the target audience is necessary for the proper construction of communications in the funnel and further promotion of the product. In the end, you get a profit, and the demand matches supply.

A target audience portrait is a marketing description of one specific category. There may be several of them, so choose the most promising one, which buys more often, or prepare promo materials for different ones.

Let’s look at the example of India. There are more fans of cricket than football here, but this does not mean that football betting is dead. Let’s focus on an event-based betting app.

The Salgaocar team plays from the city of Vasco da Gama with a population of 100,000. Here, people communicate in Portuguese or English, and marry at the age of 23–30. The average salary in India is 272 INR in 2023. The city is touristic, so we can safely include visiting vacationers in the portrait.

The final target audience analysis worksheet will look like this:: male, 23-30 years old, married (watching football is more often entertainment for married people), working, supporting a family, a football fan. This is a portrait of your ideal better, based on which you can think of a creo. As you can see, it took 30 minutes and Google to find this information.

Why analyze the audience and what is a target audience analysis

Will your product or service be useful, or will it meet the needs of the target audience? Understanding this will come from analysis of the target audience, and this will prevent the risk of traffic loss. Having studied the target audience, you will realize whether the product is needed in the new geo or whether it is worth coming up with something else. Target audience analysis provides knowledge of how to convey the value of the product, what language to use to talk to the audience, how to improve the content and what tools to use for promotion. 

How to do a target audience analysis: five classification criteria

For convenience and to save time, the target audience is divided into specific categories based on the following data:

  • Sex, age, marital status. These factors determine interest in goods and services.
  • Income, type of employment, education. You can create products in both the economy and premium segments. The positioning and pricing policy will be different.
  • Geography. Your customers can live near your product or order remotely.
  • Behavior. It is about product loyalty and the degree of interaction with the brand. A classic example: regular, new, and potential users. Loyal customers should be retained with new products and special offers; newcomers should be motivated to make repeat purchases, and potential customers should be told about the benefits and attracted with discounts.
  • Psychography. This is a classification of people by their views, values, hobbies, and lifestyle. It will help to identify triggers that are important to the audience. For example, concern for the environment, love of jazz, feminist beliefs, etc.
Target audience analysis

In order to get the maximum profit and attract more leads, it is crucial to segment the target audience, that is, to break it into small groups. This will help to develop quality advertising materials for each segment, set up effective campaigns and launch new products. The skill of audience segmentation will help in working with push services.

How not to analyze the target audience

Imagine that you made a product or service, added several useful features, made bonuses, but there is no profit. A well-designed and high-quality product has not aroused interest in the market. To prevent this from happening, first study the market need for the product and the existence of demand, and then start creating and launching it based on the needs. Highly competitive markets require a deeper study of uniqueness.

The target audience is divided into several categories of people with different financial capabilities, goals, and needs. For example, online slots are played by those who want to win money and look for entertainment, but live far from land-based casinos or feel unsafe in gambling halls, which is especially true for women. After compiling a portrait, divide the target audience into segments and work on each group separately: look for incentives, launch promotions and advertising materials for a specific audience.

Include the place of residence in the description of the target audience

To illustrate, if your target audience mainly uses Instagram, and you launch a campaign on Facebook, you will see very few leads in your reach. Use popular social networks, interesting groups, channels, and websites, and favorite places in the city.


When you play darts with your eyes closed, the likelihood of hitting the target is too low. You just need to open your eyes, analyze the distance to the board, practice a little, and you will get results. 

The same goes for target audience analysis: create a portrait and make an in-depth analysis. The more attention you pay to the little things, the better the outcome will be, and as a result, the number of potential customers will increase. 

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Love you madly, WildWildTeam.
